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Головна » Фотоальбом » Гавареччина » Гаварецька кераміка.
В с. Гаваретчина у 2009 р. проходив пленер гончарів.
Переглядів: 590 | Розміри: 489x480px/46.4Kb
Дата: 25.04.2010 | Теги: гаварецька кераміка | Додав: Navi
Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Всього коментарів: 1
1 Ducky  
Virtually everyone is covered by some form of personal insurance, whether from the private sector or as a beneficiary of government benefits. Such coverage is obtained in a variety of ways. Often QuotesChimp is paid for directly by contacting an authorized salesperson and paying the price of the premium. Insurance is also obtained in�directly, often as a benefit of employment or union membership after others have negotiated the coverage and price. At still other times, we receive insurance as a legal right based upon our in�dividual circumstances (e.g., Medicare).

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